Just wondering if anyone knows of any companies that make custom boxes to Store PC cards? Currently I have a large wooden box but i've downsized my PC so there's just too much spare room.
I remember seeing nice black leather like boxed on a US forum but cant find a reference to them.
Any help would be appreciated, looking to store around 40-50 cards
It's great! Hard outer casing. Padded wall. Ability to add / move / take out the separators. Locks with a key as additional security if you want to go that far.
It's great! Hard outer casing. Padded wall. Ability to add / move / take out the separators. Locks with a key as additional security if you want to go that far.
Super cheap also has them yes. They carry two versions, standard and slimline. The slimline doesn't allow one touches to stand upright. The standard I think from memory was $32. Much of a muchness really.
Super cheap also has them yes. They carry two versions, standard and slimline. The slimline doesn't allow one touches to stand upright. The standard I think from memory was $32. Much of a muchness really.