PC Battle Royale - Lets get it back to where it should be!!!!!!!


Magic Johnson and David Robinson ON CARD autos
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Hey everyone

As you may have noticed, the PC Battle Royale II has been a bit of a topsy turvy one in the way it has been neglected and has not gone as smoothly as I would have liked. In some cases, it is due to delays in getting the cards submissions sent to me in time, but also because it has lost its 'Hype'.

Personally, I am loving this comp, and I think it is an AWESOME way for people to display cards that they have kept to themselves because you can only do a mailday once for each card, and not everyone would get to see them. But also, it gives some insight into what types of cards each person prefers, whether older or newer, inserts or autos etc.

So, to try and build this back up, I want to get people involved in the comp that aren't actually in the comp... if you know what I mean.

Very soon, I will be posting the Grand Finale from the Second PC Battle (hint hint Mr Davey and Maso!!!) and will be encouraging everyone to make some comments on what they see and what they like. In most cases so far, there have been a lot of people voting for their favourite PC, but not elaborating on why they chose that particular PC.

What I am proposing, is that for as many people as possible to get involved in the thread by explaining their votes, either a simple 'prefer the patch colours in one' or 'one card made up my mind' or whatever it is that makes you choose one over another. Just to get some insight into what makes people say "wow".

I will then choose from the comments left and send a PC prize to them as a bonus for helping keep the concept alive.

Also, I am doing my best at the moment to make sure that the actual winner of this battle, gets something for their own PC that they haven't already got.

Aside from all this, I want to see if I can use THIS thread, to gather some ideas and some momentum for the Third PC Battle, whether it means a new concept entirely, or a slight variation from the current format. Either way, just post any ideas you have and lets gets this thing going!!!!

PS - Blair rules!
What about only posting 5 cards up at a time and not being able to use the same cards for the next rounds?
That way youre going to need a pretty deep collection (and strategize what cards will be good enough to get
you through the next round) and figure which 5 cards youll be saving til last...

And what about a pc battle royal where it doesnt have to be of just one player?
(with the same rules as above)... id like to see that!!! :thumbsup:
1 card showdown for several rounds - like a musical chairs format - gives the small guys without much high end stuff or many cards full stop to join in the fun.... Deep format means the guys with the high end stuff will end up challenging for the podium positions anyway. Depending on the number of entries you could also have a theme for each round - serial numbered, GU, patch, sticker auto, auto, rookie card, refractor, die cut etc.
Yeah I felt that the last ones were a bit too big, as in too many cards entered each round/contestant, I like the 5 card limit per contestant each round idea.
I also don't think that some cards should be able to be used twice for different rounds, such as a 1/1 used to get into the final round and then using it again in the final round.
nah no card should be used twice...
contestants should submit their top 15-20 cards to you (depending on how many rounds)
and nominate which 5 cards will be submitted for each round
that way it keeps everyone in suspense as to what cards the next round holds.
and the good thing is... you no longer have to wait for peoples submissions
as they wouldve submitted them all at the beginning of the competition.
aight. i know i've been a bit slack. but i have just come back from holidays..
and i still havent received my package from o/s. so i'll shoot my entry tomorow arvo mate.

as far as the comp goes.

10 is too many per round.
4 rounds of 3 cards
1v1 matchups thru random.org

1 auto
1 patch
1 insert
1 of any of the above.

and limited it to 1x 1/1 per round?
imo i think there are some cards /5 or /10 that are nicer than some 1/1s.

either that, or, one card per round, with a nominated critea.
eg. round one. patches witht the most colours.
have 5 people per group and the best patch goes thru to the 2nd round, to face the winners of the other (2 or 3 maybe) groups with the same card.

then, 3,2,1 points are awarded.
next round might be base card round, with the same process.
most points after how ever many rounds of different critrea you can think of wins.

idk. just a few idea. all patent pending of course XD
I reckon 5 cards is a good way to go as well. Something like:

1x Insert/GU
1x GU/Patch
1x Auto
1x GU/Auto or Patch/Auto
1x of contestants choice

Something like that... Just thinking out loud. :razz:

Oh, and perhaps allow Team PC's, I think only Player PC's are allowed at the moment... I'd like to see how some of my Nuggets stuff stacked up!
I reckon 5 cards is a good way to go as well. Something like:

1x Insert/GU
1x GU/Patch
1x Auto
1x GU/Auto or Patch/Auto
1x of contestants choice

Something like that... Just thinking out loud. :razz:

Oh, and perhaps allow Team PC's, I think only Player PC's are allowed at the moment... I'd like to see how some of my Nuggets stuff stacked up!

I would agree with something like this. It just should not be too complicated. Not too many choices. If it is a good activity, small and quick, then we will stay interested, contestants will stay tuned. They do not have to think as hard about what they will put up now and then for future rounds. It is hard when you have a limited collection, and then you need to come up with 10 sick cards for one round, then you go to the next round and then have to pick another 10, and so on.
i like ninos idea, submitt them all up front then there is no waiting. I also think minimum 6 cards per round, you have to be deep.
I personally would think smaller rounds of say 3 cards would make the process alot quicker and would ensure highly quality comps then say 5 cards rounds with. If the comp goes for 3-4 rounds, that's an extra 6-8 cards you'd need to come up with.
i like the current format, just the guys submitting their stuff were too slow, none of my stuff was shown twice and i had all cards sorted right through to the final if i made it....i like the idea of a 1xcard series i also like the idea of a type of card (game used, patch, auto etc) either way it will still be good to see some epic stuff.....there can only be one battle royale champion though :P
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