paypal question??


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hey all
theres this card that im watchin on ebay, and i plan on winning it;) , and since its in america i wil be payn with paypal, im planning on putting some funds in my bank account tomorrow so i can then transfer it to my paypal account, but if i do it tomorrow it will take between 3-5 days to clear.

So basically my question is this, would a payment in to my paypal account clear quicker if the funds were transfered from one paypal account to another? like for instance if i deposited some money into someones account then they made a payment of that amount into my paypal account would it clear quicker than doing it the way i described earlier ie (money in my Bank, then from my bank to paypal) that is is you all get wat i mean:D
any answer would be greatly appreciated
thanks all
The answer to your question is YES

Transfer from one PayPal account to another is instantly :)

You can use your Visa card to pay someone who accepts PayPal too :)
Can't you just make the payment and paypal automatically draws on the funds from your nominated source account/credit card. I always do this, when I don't have money actually in my paypal account, when I make a payment, it automatically transfers the money from my credit card account to paypal, then to the person I'm paying. Hope that helps in some way Cath.
I guess cath that you don't have a credit card attached to the Paypal account? If that is the case then the administative task of a bank to paypal transfer is always going to take longer than an internal paypal-paypal transfer.

Otherwise, as the other guys have said, the funds can be drawn out of your credit card by Paypal after (or during) the transaction.
hey all thanks for the advice
so just so i get this,and i not being dense just making sure i have right info)
aslong as i have money in my nominated bank account i can still pay the guy using paypal(even though i actually dont have the money in the account) and paypal will then withdraw the money from the bank account?
is that right?
i just wasnt sure , i kinda thought that i actually had to have the money in the actual paypal account to make payment
and no i dont have a credit card linked to paypal , that would be toooo tempting :)
Not for all US transactions though I've noticed Mr Hill. ;-)

Paypal stall, make money off our funds and give us a shitty exchange rate but where would we be without them??
chadjaja® said:
Not for all US transactions though I've noticed Mr Hill. ;-)

The majority Mr Chad - i've not yet had a problem :D When have you encountered such issues ?

Yes Cath - as long as you have the money in there and linked up properly then you can pay and it will withdraw it from your account. Just make sure you'e got enough in there because i'd imagine there are nasty fees from the bank if you overdraw!
Of if you send people money out of an account for internet purchases and they draw it down later overdrawing it ;-)

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