Paypal help please!


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Hey all,

I have just set up a second paypal account for a relative, and there are some questions that struck me whilst I was doing so.

1. I (very) stupidly put his D.O.B. incorrectly on the profile... can I change this somehow?
2. I have now helped him complete several transactions and his balance is a flat $0.00. Are there any fees that will cause this balance to go negative if he doesn't touch it for a while?

Any help would be great guys :)
1) You might be able to edit the profile under the "PROFILE" drop down list. There might be a place to change info like the DOB. Not sure if the DOB is going to have any effect on the account at all.

2) Naa, there's no way for his balance to go negative if it goes dormant for ever. It's not like a bank account. Paypal just plays the middle man and links your bank to the people you are dealing with.

Hope this helps
Thanks jason, your a champ.

Whilst I have already tried changing the DOB using your method, I hardly think it will have any effect at all on my account.

Cheers again mate :)
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