Here are some paypal codes that I emailed around earlier but posting them for all now.
Just put the code in the box on the PAY page and press the redeem button.
The fist one works as I just used it this morning and saved $25US
10% off (Up to $25) : C11-GIFTGUIDE
exp: 12/18/2005
10% off ( Up to $25 ) : C1-Holiday2005
$5.00 off $50.00 : C2-Holiday2005
$15.00 off $100.00 : C3-Holiday2005
exp: 11/30/2005
Just put the code in the box on the PAY page and press the redeem button.
The fist one works as I just used it this morning and saved $25US
10% off (Up to $25) : C11-GIFTGUIDE
exp: 12/18/2005
10% off ( Up to $25 ) : C1-Holiday2005
$5.00 off $50.00 : C2-Holiday2005
$15.00 off $100.00 : C3-Holiday2005
exp: 11/30/2005