2001 UD MVP richard hamilton GU.Ball with jerry west logo man on ball..looking for way over bv on this one
2003 Fleer Platinum Tayshaun prince patch #erd 51/455 (4 colors)
2004 skybox premium Karl malone-buyback patch-4 colors #erd 17/18!!
2003 fleer patchworks jason richardson-licensed apparel-3 color patch! #erd14/50
04 fleer showcase manu ginobili-playmakers-5 color patch w/lots of stiching #erd11/20
03 ultra richard jefferson leap and bounds 3 color jersey
01 ud grant hill-ud game jesery- 3 color patch!!
04 fleer authenix emeka okafor-draft day ticket-(actual draft ticket stub)with lots of writting on ticket!!!!!
03 ud triple dimensions baron davis-triple 3 d PATCH!!-3 colors #erd 5/25!!
2003 Fleer Platinum Tayshaun prince patch #erd 51/455 (4 colors)
2004 skybox premium Karl malone-buyback patch-4 colors #erd 17/18!!
2003 fleer patchworks jason richardson-licensed apparel-3 color patch! #erd14/50
04 fleer showcase manu ginobili-playmakers-5 color patch w/lots of stiching #erd11/20
03 ultra richard jefferson leap and bounds 3 color jersey
01 ud grant hill-ud game jesery- 3 color patch!!
04 fleer authenix emeka okafor-draft day ticket-(actual draft ticket stub)with lots of writting on ticket!!!!!
03 ud triple dimensions baron davis-triple 3 d PATCH!!-3 colors #erd 5/25!!