Past & Present x1

Packs 7-9
First Hit: Thurl Bailey Elusive Auto
Raining 3's Chris Mullin
Bread for Life Karl Malone
Bread for Energy Grant Hll
Second Hit: Chris Anderson Gamers gu (nice large swatch)
Raining 3's Jason Terry
Packs 13-15
Joe Johnson Raining 3's
Third Hit: Brad Davis Elusive Auto (pity I have him in my Mav auto collection already!)
LeBron Fireworks
DeRozan Bread for Energy
Packs 16-18
Love Fireworks
Griffin Bread for Health
XRC Auto Redemption
Noah Bread for Energy

Last two packs, one hit, cmon...
Last two...
Rose Fireworks

Gettin the missus to bust the last one for mojo...

And nothin but a Bread for Energy of Curry...

Where is my 4th auto? Does the redemption count?
Oh ok, though you got a redemption plus your 4 hits, oh well :p

Elusive Autos aren't available, thinking about doing the set, but everything is available.
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