Past & Present Elusive autos, TWO to go!


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Chasing this set-

Red- Need
Yellow- Incoming
Green- Have

AA Anthony Avent
AC Archie Clark
AH Allan Houston
AJ Avery Johnson
AM Anthony Mason
BA B.J. Armstrong
BB Brent Barry
BD Brad Davis
BE Bob Elliott
BG Brian Grant
BL Bob Love
BO Bo Outlaw
BR Bryant Reeves
BS Bob Sura
BW Bill Wennington
BW Buck Williams
CC Cedric Ceballos
CO Charles Oakley
DB Dee Brown
DC Dell Curry
DF Danny Ferry
DM Danny Manning
GM Gheorghe Muresan
HD Hubert Davis
HH Hersey Hawkins
JM Jamal Mashburn
JP John Paxson
JS John Salley
JS John Starks
KA Kenny Anderson
KK Kerry Kittles
KS Kenny Smith
KW Kevin Willis
LF Lawrence Funderburke
LL Luc Longley
LN Larry Nance
LS LaBradford Smith
LW Luther Wright
MA Mark Aguirre
MB Muggsy Bogues
ME Mario Elie
MF Michael Finley
MJ Major Jones
MR Marv Roberts
MW Morlon Wiley
NA Nick Anderson
OB Otis Birdsong
RB Ron Brewer
RC Rex Chapman
RM Rick Mahorn
RS Rod Strickland
RS Rory Sparrow
RT Reggie Theus
SA Stacey Augmon
SE Sean Elliott
SF Sleepy Floyd
SK Steve Kerr
SM Scooter McCray
SP Scot Pollard
TB Thurl Bailey
TG Tom Gugliotta
TH Tim Hardaway
VB Vin Baker
VDN Vinny Del Negro
WB Willie Burton
Have the Bob Love. Please PM me an offer incl del if u still need it unless u have any Weatherspoons I need :)
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