wow, nice Zo autos/patches/gu's, everything, well done mate, my favourite out of all the cards in each thread, (pt 1,2 & 3) would be the patches and the box topper/oversized gu, really cool!
awesome patches, Travis, can u tell is there any difference between two colours in this year fleer autographics.. ???? coz didn't see two colors before..
big zo's fresh ink is so sweet, loving it..
Zo is one of my fav active all-star signers along with A.Jamison, Vince Carter...
Wow love the old on card autos and how sweet are the Significant Numbers Dual Patches! I have 5 of the Korver myself cause the patches look awesome as does the design. Zo looks great too
Ok I think its gone beyond a collection and moved onto being a man crush LOL
Some great cards in all three posts mate it just kept getting better and better. His sig hasn't changed at all in the last 10 years and thats saying something for the average player.
All 3 course's were satisfying :v:
You must love all the new Zo game-used stuff, there wasn't a heck of a lot out there previously really, especially Heat uni with a heat patch to match up which is good.
Some sweet rarer stuff, oversized stuff and the game ticket was pretty cool too. Nice work Trav.
Great cards Travis, you made it sound like you were busy doing other things than furthering your Zo collection, apparanetly thats exactly what you were doing. can't wait to see the cards you get when you are are really trying.