Panini Intrigue/Signatures Draft Exchange Cards


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Hi guys, excuse my ignorance here...

I'm looking to pick up a few cards of lower draft picks and I am wondering what exactly you get when you redeem these draft pick exchange cards?

Is it an auto, or just some sort of insert or what exactly is it that you get?

Cheers for your help guys!
I have no idea why these are selling so high.. If they're just redmeption inserts and you get one in every box... so theres about 10,000 boxes of intrigue and 10,000 boxes of signatures.. these things really wont be that hard to grab on feebay once they're redeemed.?/!?

Correct me if I'm wrong, I just don't get it? :confused:
I managed to collect 2 sets of Pick 1-10 and seen the Pick 1 go from $40-50 when first out to all way past $120-150.

Crazy the hype they are getting and Exum's Pick 5 I picked up for around $20 each are now going for over $60 each.
Don't worry, once these cards are live and all the auto's inserts come flooding into the market, these will be cheap as.
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