Panini Blog
Panini Blog
The demand, buzz and big hits are still following Panini America’s 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey after its first three weeks on the market. Once again this seson, collectors seem taken by Rookie Anthology’s catchall configuration that puts some of the company’s most coveted inserts and subsets front and center.
By now, many astute collectors have determined for themselves which of the product’s key cards are Short Prints, Super Short Prints or more attainable in nature — partly because some of the cards are numbered, and partly because their availability on the secondary market provides a tell-tale sign. But today, we’re going to remove most of the mystery be releasing the complete list of SPs.
The attachments below — one in Excel format, the other in PDF — should shed considerable light on the relative rarity of most of 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey’s key cards. Enjoy.
Here’s the SP list in Excel format: 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey SP list
Here’s the SP list in PDF format: 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey SP list
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