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The thought occurred to me earlier today while walking through the*Product Development department that it’s been way too long since I’ve spent*quality time with that resplendent four-legged repository known as the Panini America Routing Table. So I decided to take a gander*that direction this morning only to discover a bountiful harvest of baseball routings that soon will become coveted trading cards for*2011 Donruss Elite Extra Edition Baseball and 2011 Playoff Contenders Baseball.
What follows, then, is a preliminary peek at some of the inserts slated for inclusion in those sets, including the compelling Best Compared To and Two-Sport Stars chases for 2011 Donruss EEE and the Sweet Signs autographed insert that Dodgers prospect Logan Bawcom himself Tweeted about this morning.
Before we get to the gallery, it’s imperative to note*that the standard Routing Table caveat applies here. Everything you’re about to see, although very cool, is in varying stages of development and is not final and can still be changed*through both internal and external approval processes. But the gallery will give you a great*feel for the excitement to come.

Read more over at the Panini Blog...