Panini Blog
Panini Blog

For anyone who participated last year or who’s read a Beckett magazine in the last month, the following announcement likely comes as no surprise: Panini America’s wildly popular Father’s Day hobby shop promotion is making a triumphant return in 2013. And this year, company officials are enlisting the help of some bona fide blasts from the past in an effort to make the nationwide wrapper-redemption program another one for the record books — and the memory books.
Just as it has done for Black Friday, Panini America has turned Father’s Day into something of a national trading card holiday, driving thousands of collectors into hobby shops across the country during Father’s Day weekend to celebrate the true bonding experience of collecting cards. That phenomenon promises to unfold again next month.
For its 2013 Father’s Day offering, Panini America has created a 44-card base set that includes 22 Rookie Cards devoted to all four major sports that are sequentially numbered to 499. But it’s the nostalgia-rich insert lineup that likely will generate the most buzz from longtime collectors. From Team Pinnacle (15 cards) to Studio (24 cards) to Museum Collection (nine cards) to the continuing Elite Series, there’s a distinct throwback feel to Panini America’s 2013 Father’s Day set that will remind many collectors (fathers, sons and daughters alike) of their fond collecting roots.
Today, we begin unveiling just some of what we have in store. Enjoy this first look and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional details of the 2013 Father’s Day promotion, including a breakdown of the must-see autograph and memorabilia content.

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