Over the last 3-4 months ive had 3 or 4 items sent to me by newcomers to our site, badly packaging trade cards...
Up untill now ive been lucky and they gotten to me with no damage.
Unfortunatly the ones i received today were unacceptable...
I know theres a stickied note on the trade board giving people the rules on packaging...i feel it need to be placed in a better location..MAIN PAGE..
Some people read just about everything and some dont...when you first get on there are topics galore and its easy to miss it..(I DID )
I concider myself lucky the trade went through and i did not get a negative.
Any 1 have thoughts on the subject..
uncle stevo
Steve - I know you & I have sent each other cards in normal envelopes but we know how to pack them correctly so the only thing I can suggest is once you have a deal sorted I would then negotiate postage methods....ie tell him, Top Loader, Taped at the top and placed in Bubble mailer ect ect ???
You can make all the rules you like here but at the end of the day it means SFA if they don't read them. NEVER assume, if it means you have to tell some experienced trade how to suck eggs, so be it !!! At least you'll know your cards will arrive safe.
Yeh that was a bit of bad luck on that trade Steve...What kind of damaged did the cards have? Creases or bent corners or something?
off topic: a few weeks ago u said u got a bulk lot of padded envelopes for like 30c each or something, where did u get them from?? post office or a stationary place?? coz im sick of having to go the PO every time i need to send something so im thinking of buying a crap load of paddeds and a few books of stamps
Ye... i generally dont do it as i would expect common sence would prevale.
But yep ill be doing that from now on for sure.
I was thinking on the main page it shows catagories..ie for sale,trades etc..
Place a new 1 at the top of the board stating
It would contain all the information they need to enjoy there time here...not just packaging,but rules on behavoir etc etc...
And that should these rules be broken,negative feedback and ultimatly a ban can be placed.
If its staring them in the face at the top of the page then ittd be a lot harder to miss...
Gday matt...
ask at the post office im pretty sure it was about $38 for 100..
Heaps cheaper..
As for the cards i received they were the powerdeack cds.
1 BADLY scratched the other only minor ...
Anyone that collects should be sending in a toploader and teambag MINIMUM if not a screwdown for better cards...some people are just ****en savages when it comes to cards/comics ect
Agreed there mate...
But at the end of the day, youve gotta give people the benefit of the doubt and realise we all make mistakes..
As i said earlier ive made the odd stuffup and the lads here didnt stuff it down my throat
Sorry thats simply not good enough. New members huh? Can you pm the member involved and I'll pm them the rules for packing etc. I may get a full group email with whats expected too as some seem to be a little complacent.
Guys if you want to deal here do so with consideration and pack they way you would want to recieve them.
Whats expected in packing cards for trades
All new members should read this first before sending cards for their first trade. If not followed and problems arise negative feedback will be left and you will be barred from trading. Its easy to prevent though with a few simple steps.
Firsty its not hard. Simply pack cards the way you would like to receive them yourself. Common sense prevails. You wouldn’t like to receive cards lose in a white envelope so don’t do it to someone else.
The preferred method for a couple of cards in to place them in toploaders. Tape the top of the toploader and mail them in a bubble mailer with ‘photos do not bend’ written on it. Don’t know if that makes a difference but it can’t hurt. It also doesn’t hurt to sandwich toploaders between a decoy card or bits of cardboard to eliminate chaces of the card getting damaged.
For a number of cards where you can’t send all in toploaders the cardboard sandwich works best. Put all the cards in sleeves/toploaders and then pack between the cardboard and tape it all up. Just remember anything rigid taped onto the card is your best friend. This will make no real difference in the cost of postage either as its weighs hardly anything at all. Taping around the sides and top helps stop damage to the corners too. No need to tape it all up super tight that damages the cards, just enough to stop movement in the mailer.
For a large number of commons using a box with it packed so cards can’t move is the best idea.
What will not be tolerated.
Sending in a white plain envelopes.
Sending in card savers not toploaders(card savers are the flimsy version of a toploader)
Sending in just penny sleeves.
Cramming more than one card in a holder designed for only one card
If you are unsure how to pack a card/s for trade ask the other trader how they would like it packed. Its not hard to take initiative and do the right thing and problems will be a thing of the past. While we can’t always prevent bad handling from Aussie post this all goes a long way to preventing it happening. If a buble mailer is crushed with all the above precautions taken its put down to just bad luck.
I agree with you Steve some people need to stop and have a think about how they are going to pack there cards for postage.I had the same problem last week, so I posted a thread about it my self but one member called me a sook because they were commons.I know they were only commons but they were for my Knicks PC,We have talked about it and it is all fine now.Can someone set something up so rules and reg's can be sent to a new member when they sineup.Just a segastion.
There we go.... yet another great idea...
Its all about making it much easier for our new members to get it right the first time.
Sure there are some people that simply dont give a rats ... i dont beleive this is the case in my recent trade and am doing what i beleive to be the most effective and conciderate way to deal with it.
Thanks chad got the right idea but placing the rules here is only good for a short period,the thread dies and gets buried.
As stated by 1 very smaRt person ..heheh
Sending every new member the list you gave above would be a great idea...
Happy trading people..
I don't have full admin powers mate just some otherwise it would of been done ages ago. All I can do for now is post this again and hope they get to see it etc.