you want random my antenna for tv is half on the floor half leaning up against my table laptop is on just so i can get reception of rugby league grand final... lol actually its sitting on top of my modem so its not on the floor lol the modem is on the floor... THERE that is random lol
you want random my antenna for tv is half on the floor half leaning up against my table laptop is on just so i can get reception of rugby league grand final... lol actually its sitting on top of my modem so its not on the floor lol the modem is on the floor... THERE that is random lol
Nope, feeling better in general makes me more patient, but then people forcing me to go broke on postage also helps... really so thankful to all those i am sorting trades with. Although my star wars characters are feeling neglected lol
It's true, even if I gave up I'd only end up coming back lol
Although I had a friend on facebook tell me I need help when I announced I am now collecting warriors, I replied Cards = better therapy than psychologists lol