OZCT Official Group Hug Thread


Morrow Super Collector
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I love this hobby, but as someone who basically only trade or spend very small amounts on cards its getting impossible.

When I cannot even get an offer of trade or purchase on a $25 BV Jordan what hope do I have on anything else?

I cant afford to buy the boxes that get me the griffins and kobes and walls and better jordans. I can't even trade or sell Celtics cards to Celtics collectors... What do I have to do?

I bet if I put up my Beasley RC autos and 1/1s I would still not get offers or the really stupid ones maybe. But I dont want to, I want to keep my BEasley's.

Does nobody care about the little cards anymore?? Should I just give up on the hobby?
I say stick with it AJ. Heck that Morrow /24 sat in a folder for like a year before I just happened to look at your wantlist around the time you posted it.

People are fucking stingy it's true. :( I think eventually someone comes along that wants it.
i feel your pain a.j - ive been getting no bits on any of my cards for over a month, so am not refining my collecting / car goals and reducing the cards i have looked at in ages. finding that in general its difficult to sell anything mate not just the cheap cards but also the expensive ones and were all in the same boat, look at ang and all his great griffins with very little interest.
my advise is that if you do leave the hobby there will be a big hole in your day of what to do with your time
There seems to be two types of members on the site, the first being those that seem to have limitless funds (buy cases, Kobe, durant, lebron autos like they're commons) who are either very well off or living well outside their means, then their are the others that either don't have large amounts of cash to spend on the hobby (myself included) or a just very selective about what they purchase. I had a member on here ask 'why I was so poor' the other day, lol. And I guess it's due to the fact that I have to pay rent, bills etc. Maybe some of these guys are 20+ and still live with the folks and can spend whatever they earn on whatever they want. I guess what I'm trying to get across poorly is that spending money on cards is a luxury for most people, which is why it takes awhile to sell things at times.

Have you tried the U.S sites or ebay mate? Also check the Euro boards they have some heavy hitters on their boards.
oh for sure but i want to trade!!! i dont expect everyone tobe able to buy i know cant buy half of what i want... but when i am not even getting trade offers on jordan it makes me wonder what more i have to do!
I'll see what I can pull from my stacks of doubles in regards to t-wolves for you, AJ. I've got two boxes of 1989-90 hoops coming this week and a box of 1995 Pacific prisms - if i get anything you could use, we'll see about working something out.
AJ! You know I'm keen on whatever Nuggets stuff you've got ;)

I'm in a similar boat to you too AJ and I agree with mattyeah, there seems to be two types of member's, I can't afford boxes of retro or cases of stuff. Even the 200+ packs of Donruss I busted cost me LESS than a box of Preferred. So I am selective with my purchases, as much as I'd love to collect John Wall or Carmelo Anthony I cannot afford to. But I do work on Commission at work so when I have a good month I can make some big purchases.

Cards do get hard to move sometimes that's when I turn to contest's. Lol.
AJ! You know I'm keen on whatever Nuggets stuff you've got ;)

I'm in a similar boat to you too AJ and I agree with mattyeah, there seems to be two types of member's, I can't afford boxes of retro or cases of stuff. Even the 200+ packs of Donruss I busted cost me LESS than a box of Preferred. So I am selective with my purchases, as much as I'd love to collect John Wall or Carmelo Anthony I cannot afford to. But I do work on Commission at work so when I have a good month I can make some big purchases.

Cards do get hard to move sometimes that's when I turn to contest's. Lol.

Mate you still got the commons from those five boxes of 09-10 Absolute Retail you busted? And if so do they look any different from the hobby variant?
I think you cleaned me out of nuggets matty lol only nuggets i have left is a melo dual gu with rashard lewis i think and you already have it lol

And absolute retail exactly the same only not shiny and has veterans to collect.

Hey matty got any absolute veterans from retail?
It is a tough market in the hobby. NBA starting soon should help.

I find there's 3 types of members.

1 Lowballers - name speaks for itself then when you want one of their cards it's rarer than a dinosaur egg.
2 Highrollers - Can afford whatever they want and good luck to them I say.
3 True Collectors - do it for the hobby, the love spend anywhere from 1-30% off their income.

As a hobby business it's hard to move any sort of singles ATM. Small medium or large. So hold in their mate things will turn around.
It is a tough market in the hobby. NBA starting soon should help.

I find there's 3 types of members.

1 Lowballers - name speaks for itself then when you want one of their cards it's rarer than a dinosaur egg.
2 Highrollers - Can afford whatever they want and good luck to them I say.
3 True Collectors - do it for the hobby, the love spend anywhere from 1-30% off their income.

As a hobby business it's hard to move any sort of singles ATM. Small medium or large. So hold in their mate things will turn around.

Yeah I do it for the love, I have to, I collect Timberwolves everything for crying out loud :rofl: definitely not going to get any real return on most of the cards I add lol
Yeah I do it for the love, I have to, I collect Timberwolves everything for crying out loud :rofl: definitely not going to get any real return on most of the cards I add lol
This sums up all my PC's except the Cousins one. Lol. I could probably get some $$$ back on the Cousins one, but seriously who want's to buy 20 Julius Hodge autos, or 300 10-11 Donruss Emerald Die-Cuts.
This sums up all my PC's except the Cousins one. Lol. I could probably get some $$$ back on the Cousins one, but seriously who want's to buy 20 Julius Hodge autos, or 300 10-11 Donruss Emerald Die-Cuts.

ha ha I found another emerald card btw I will chuck in when i post on Monday - Philly team photo it tricked me cos there was no diecut lol

I'd buy ya Morrow press proof and saphire lol
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