Optimum 2022

Next year could be another hall of fame set 2007, 2012, 2018, were the last 3 sets.

With Legacy's release every player up to 2017 has been included at some point and given criteria of players being retired from the game for at least five years before they become eligible, there is now have 5 years of available players so it makes sense to have a 2023 release. I'd rather a 2024 release so Sam Mitchell gets a card and i'm not waiting 5 odd years.

Won't be, there aren't enough active new HOF legends to sign.
Hey guys, Just after some advice!
Apologies if this discussion has been had previously.
I have accumulated a couple of Optimum 2022 Signatures redemption cards from the boxes I've ripped (Prestia, Brad Johnson, Enright)

I will look to move these to get funds for some Bomber Cards

Just curious as to whether the preference for prospective buyers would be to buy these unredeemed? Or redeemed?
My guess is redeeming COULD be dangerous on the off chance you get an ugly, smudged Auto back, but unlikely I suppose

Anyway, just after any input from you guys

Exactly. Buying redeemed means you not only save money on the redemption process but you get to see exactly what the signature looks like. That’s just my opinion as for me a perfectly placed signature is very important.
I used to prefer buying unredeemed, but after a few bad experiences with damaged signatures and seeing stuff that others were getting, I’ve leaned towards buying cards already redeemed. It’s too much of a risk considering the value of some of these cards. I have unredeemed cripps brownlow predictors and am too scared to send them in, I may wait to sell them later or trade. So to answer, some people will like to redeem themselves, but for me I like to wait and buy when I know all is good with the card and have seen pictures. I was wondering the same thing as you, I created a thread about it. General theme was that yes, smudged/ damaged sigs are less desirable, although some people don’t mind as much as me. Perhaps trade your non redeemed card that has already been redeemed, just to be safe.

Thread 'How the quality of a signature affects value'
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The 50 or so that were there this morning are now almost gone too.

Seen a breaker post a break up with 24 packs (1 box worth) so I assume we'll see a few more of these pop up
I’m keeping away not listening . Trying to get my Afterpay down for the next release and these animals keep throwing out these tasty morsels.
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