Based on my (lack of) super skills at the BBall games....
TEAM = NBA Team (no All-Stars, Euro, Rookies, etc)
PLAYER = Any (of that team - NO MADE UP PLAYERS)
GAME = Any (Live, 2K, Other - if other?)
SYSTEM = Any (Xbox, Sony, PC)
SETTING = Easiest (most likely Rookie)
MINUTES = 2 (per quarter)
RULES = Arcade/Off
What't the BEST OVERALL STAT LINE you can finish with in 8 minutes, for that 1 player.
it made sense to me the first time i read it, but to translate from Tasmanian to Australian
he meant set it to the MINIMUM minutes you can play (which is normally 2 min quarters)
it made sense to me the first time i read it, but to translate from Tasmanian to Australian
he meant set it to the MINIMUM minutes you can play (which is normally 2 min quarters)