As the title says this is my wantlist. Please hit me up for any I might need. PM works best.
BLUE= Have
RED= Incoming
2010-11 Contenders
Playoff Contenders Patches #150 AU
Playoff Contenders Patches #200 SP AU
2010-11 Absolute
RC #150 /499
Spectrum Gold RC /100
Spectrum Platinum RC /25
Spectrum Black /1
Spectrum Signatures Gold AU /199
Spectrum SIgnatures Platinum AU /25
BLUE= Have
RED= Incoming
2010-11 Contenders
Playoff Contenders Patches #150 AU
Playoff Contenders Patches #200 SP AU
2010-11 Absolute
RC #150 /499
Spectrum Gold RC /100
Spectrum Platinum RC /25
Spectrum Black /1
Spectrum Signatures Gold AU /199
Spectrum SIgnatures Platinum AU /25