Old unredemed cards


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Hi Guys I just won on Ebay an unredemed 2001 Future force redemtion card I did email select and they said to send it in for redemption, has any one out there redemed and old card before?
Any input would be good.
You just send it in like you would a new redemption.

If there's an unredeemed redemption card ou there, then it stands to reason that the signed card would still be with Select.

I'd love to go to the Select offices and see all the unredeemed cards they've got, just waiting for someone to break an old box. I wonder what percentages of each card they've still got left ...
Yeah i think if any cards went "missing" it would be the Bradman auto from the late 90s.
I have never ever heard of Select not honouring redemption cards
Thanks did email them and they said to send it in like normal but i've never heard of any one doing it with old cards just the new ones, And I'm not a big fan of spending money on a card like that if theres on chance of rememption.
Next question anyone have a DANE CARLAW 2001 Future force they want to swap for a tony puletua 2001 Future force.
Hi there,

We've redeemed cards from Select back to 2003 and 2004 (AFL Premiership Predictors) and they were honoured.

You've emailed Di at Select and if she says send it in -- the redemption is as good as yours.

Well done on the find.

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