Old school newbie..


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Hey all,

Been collecting NBA and NFL since '88..
Used to have a card store called Card Shark in Melbourne before selling the business to a dodgy dude who ran it down and then changed the name to Sharpshooters or something.
Still love collecting and all things NBA, NFL and College...
Hit me up with any questions..
Good to see the hobby going strong!!
welcome to the boards mate... enjoy

was card shark the store in the arcade across from village cinemas on bourke st? did you used to have heaps of nfl stuff?
Thanks all for the warm welcome!

Yes Card Shark was 250 Bourke St, opposite Village Cinemas.. we used to have every sport.. NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL etc...
Welcome to the site. I remember the Card Shark from the good old days when there were so many great card shops all across Vic........ahh the memories :lol:
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