OJ trial on SBS tonght.


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I go on and on about the cutting edge on SBS as compulsory viewing and its normally on politics etc.

Well tonight its on the OJ trial. I'm sure there are more than a few that will be interested in tonights episode.

8.30pm on SBS here in Melbourne but check your local guides in other states.
No worries. It will be interesting as most the of the stuff the cutting edge shows is anti US etc. I'm sure it will show the farce that the trial etc is.
Nah its wasn't that. Last week was about the abortion laws in southern US and the right to life movement. It even had TW's yelling at the TV LOL.
chadjaja® said:
Nah its wasn't that. Last week was about the abortion laws in southern US and the right to life movement. It even had TW's yelling at the TV LOL.

That's funny. My wife also watched it and it made her very angry.
yeah I'm all for difference Vlad but when one belief group pushes thier views on you and it effects law and your rights its wrong.
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