Defense Are Using The Situation To Their Advantage Now Knowing The Refs Are Going To Blow The Wistle.
Decoy Runners Are Going To Have To Learn How To Side Step So They Dont Collide With The Defense.
Yeah, should have been a try to the Tigers but as usual their ineptitude allowed a length of a field try, can't believe they were still 0 at the end of the game, might be a long season.
Yeah I've seen him. He usually hangs out in front of the ball carrier to avoid having to do anything. I've also seen him standing around with a football in his hands waiting for the defence to come so he can fall on them.
He went missing long before that...what a waste of money. You think a bloke of his size would run onto the ball and smash into the opposing team...he is so soft.
Why do any of the above, Money in pocket, Just be a passenger, still get paid every week.
If you were an everyday bloke and didnt perform in your job, you would be arseeholed.