Off Topic Uni Talk...


Antoine Walker collector
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Ok this is way off topic but I'm in my business info systems prac and I have nothing to do....but why when I have an assignment due tomorrow and I've only done half. :rolleyes:

We had to make a pretty complicated database with queries and reports etc. Then the second part of the assignment was 6 pages of writing on case studies. Most people have groups of 2 or 3 to split it up but I did it by myself.

Some girls in my class were having major trouble with the database but I knew they had the 6 pages done and would be done well. "Hey do you need some help with the database? You can use mine if you like....:D " A trade off was in order, I just scored 6 pages of case studies through bargaining off my database......oh so sweet.

Sorry, I'm just over the moon right now because i just saved my self 5-6 hours work! :lol: :lol: :lol:
just make sure you dont get busted for I did

luckily I got out of it pretty much scotfree (had to resubmit)...but wasnt a very happy 8 months (yes thats how long the procedures took!)
Nah its all good, I gave them the database on disc and they are handing it up with a group submission on Friday. I guaranteed them at least 90% for it, I hope they hold their end up with good case studies!

They are WAY hot on plagiarism now. All our written assignments must be submitted in microsoft word, then they get put through software which checks for similar wording of every assignment ever submitted in that area.
I've never been to Uni myself, but I have a Certificate 3 in Automotive Mechanical (Light Vehicle) with Distinction! Got that from 3 years at TAFE.
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