yeh , pretty much my wife's entire family lives over there.
her parents live in ridgecrest , california, one of her brothers lives in cody,wyoming,he is the burlington huskies basketball coach(so we played a few games with his team),another of her brothers lives in monticello, utah,another of her brothers lives in carlsbad,california, one of her sisters lives in dallas ,texas and her best friend lives in malibu, california, so we had places to stay everywhere
sorry mate, apart from me trying to find east coast teams on the west coast my other problem was trying to find the right sizes. i found the right jumper(i think it was in a reebok outlet) but the smallest they had was XXXL, they were only $19 too
i had the same issue with finding some of lebron's clothing in the nike outlet's,i liked these pair of track pants in the vegas nike outlet, they were $90 reduced to $19.95 for the next 2 weeks only, the smallest size vegas had was XXL, so i went to a total of about 15 other nike outlets around the country and do you think i could find these pants in a Large...............................nope not a single pair, they did have them in XXXXXL though in dallas, wasn't to keen on rolling the legs up 6 foot though
Welcome back Justin! Your trip sounds like it was massive fun. I liked your story about meeting Chuck, that would've been priceless! I was just reminded too that I forgot to send you a shopping list See you around mate!
Welcome back Justin! Your trip sounds like it was massive fun. I liked your story about meeting Chuck, that would've been priceless! I was just reminded too that I forgot to send you a shopping list See you around mate!
didn't come across any zo jerseys trav, there was plenty of A.I stuff but most was full price, i think the cheapest i saw one of his jersey's was $55u.s
i will definately get around to emailing you some photo's, i have an awesome one of devin (he is sitting on the bench with the funniest look on his face, it will be priceless to you). i did see all games of the golden state v dallas series,i went to games 3 and 4 in l.a, oakland, the buzz was amazing, the best atmosphere i have ever been in, the warriors fans are absolutely crazy, and i don't think any of them ever thought they would lose the series, dallas just never looked comfortable. the second game i went to (game 4) was even louder and there was literally no room inside anywhere, there were even people sitting on the stairs just to get a seat.
i didn't get to go to that game i was going to go to in dallas either, we were running late and we didn't get anywhere near the stadium till almost midnight , that is the one that they were doing signings after the game, sorry mate missed out...............these photo's might cheer you up though
Is there a chance you could help me get Chris Paul at a signing he is doing at the event over in Cleveland??? If so I have an item I could need some help with getting done. Please PM about this.
On the other hand, keep an eye out for Tayshaun Prince cards!!!
Wow sounds like a great trip Sonny, would be sick to get to look around the National. If you ind any High end Hakeem (esp in Houston) it would be great if you could let me know. cheers