I went up to the hotel yesterday to pursue the Denver Nuggets. The Nuggets stayed at a hotel that we were able to get autographs at. Here are the results of my day up at the hotel pursuing the Denver Nuggets:
Yakhouba Diawara 1 3x5 Index card
Eduardo Najera 3 cards ("You got alot of cards here of me I see.")
Nene 1 card (I was shocked of how very nice he was to the fans at the hotel here. He has been known to be a jerk in the past. He was in a good mood yesterday.)
Rex Chapman 1 3x5 Index card (If only I knew he works for the team now, I would of had some base cards ready for him. This one came as a suprise to me.)
Adrian Dantley 1 3x5 Index card (I knew he was going to be there but I did not have any base cards for him to sign.)
George Karl 1 3x5 Index card ("You guys want me to sign, you guys really want me to sign???")
Doug Moe 1 3x5 Index card
and now the mojo auto of the day............................................... .................................................. .......
Carmelo Anthony 1 card!!!!!!! (It was a mob scene at the hotel getting him. As soon as he started walking towards us, everybody ran up to crowd him. Luckily I had my cards out for him in my binder and the next thing he signed was one of the cards in my binder since I got it on top of everyone else item right in front of him for him to sign. He does sign but you need to be in good position in order to get him.)
Well that is all I have to share here with my experience at the hotel yesterday. I guess alot of players did not sign since they were probably tired from the game they had in Cleveland 2 nights ago. I should also note here that some people complained of the auto they got from Carmelo after he signed for them. I have no complaints of the auto I got from him!!! I am 2 for 2 in my attempt at this all star this season!!! Overall Carmelo could have easily also passed on signing but I have to give him major props for coming over to sign for the fans. At least Carmelo does sign!!! Thanks alot for looking!!!
I'd love an experience like that! Even if you only got one auto, that'd still be awesome. Sounds like they were all nice guys to sign some auto's. How many people were hanging around the hotel roughly?
Yeah I would of liked A.I. but he just ignored everyone and pretended no one existed. When Carmelo started to come towards us, everyone crowded around and it was a mob scene really quickly. As for A.I., I am 0-2 in my attempts to get him. On the other hand, I am 2-2 on getting Carmelo Anthony this season!!!
I'd love an experience like that! Even if you only got one auto, that'd still be awesome. Sounds like they were all nice guys to sign some auto's. How many people were hanging around the hotel roughly?