Buzz is a hyprocrite, gave it to Carney, then when he joined the sharks changed his tune, then wrote a pathetic article trying to justify himself...
Im pretty sure in the last 10 years he has written maybe a maximum of 2 postive articles about the Saints...
I'm a Tigers fan and on their forum he's refered to as Rotfield, what amazes me about all the Journos from the Tele is how quick they are to highlight any scandals and the Tele is a shareholder in the game and they only further damage the brand.
The Roosters have finally released Perrett, his little Bro must be a good player because he's the catalyst behind this, oh and Brian Smith alienates his players yet again.
So that's Mitchell as well that's been granted an immediate release, who's the next player to A/ ask for a release from the Roosters B/ the next one shown the door.