TCM = Totally Crap Mechandise. What a crock! I would have signed batboys petition but i havent been on lately. Ah well i will never buy any of there crap again
WHERE IS THE PETITION? I'll sign. This company are a disgrace any way you look at it. I had trouble ordering the first set on their website. I then went to register for the new signings with more troubles. I then called them up so they could do it manually and they tell me that the code is not valid. I left it for a few months and contacted them the other day as I heard the new signings were being sent out. Still could not get through their website. Called up again to find a new person dealing with customer service (I assume the last one quit). They said I should contact then via email through the website. Website again would not work so I called them back. I gave them my details old school over the phone but don't expect them to get back to me.
Like others, my collecting has slowed down considerably. Companies like this contributes immensely and they are killing the hobby slowly. End rant