ryawil0 LF rare Kendall Gill Feedback - 100% 111 0 0 Jun 25, 2008 #1 Youve all probably seen it before - but holy sh.it!!!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt001pBcwjM]YouTube - 720 DUNK!! Best Quality...[/ame]
Youve all probably seen it before - but holy sh.it!!!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt001pBcwjM]YouTube - 720 DUNK!! Best Quality...[/ame]
adhunt99 OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 152 0 0 Jun 25, 2008 #2 It's not really a 720, it's more like a 540 in the air. But sweeeet nonetheless!
rhysjsolomon @mojochasers Feedback - 100% 258 0 0 Jun 25, 2008 #3 haha!!! hell yeah!!!! i love that!!! still amazes me every time!!!
exzibit3 Old school baby! Feedback - 100% 26 0 0 Jun 25, 2008 #4 Air up theereeeeee! Seen it yonks ago but this is the best quality vid I've seen, thanks I still say its a 720, otherwise you couldn't consider the 360 a 360 cos Carter/Kobe take off with their body slightly turned to the basket.
Air up theereeeeee! Seen it yonks ago but this is the best quality vid I've seen, thanks I still say its a 720, otherwise you couldn't consider the 360 a 360 cos Carter/Kobe take off with their body slightly turned to the basket.