i went on pontel and wanted to buy LeBron's first game in the NBA.
We all know how good he was in that first game right....he had 25 points against the Kings and i was so looking forward to watching it.
turned out, when i was watching the game....there was another game on when LeBron was playing (Magic @ Knicks) and they were going into Overtime......so they cut out half the 1st quarter of LeBron's first game to show the overtime, and all i got to see of LeBron's first quarter was highlites...so crap is that...grrr
he had 12 of his 25 points in the 1st quarter....far out....haha
ar well......i got Bogut's first game on DVD and that was good......they didnt play that game in Australia as everyone thought they did....they showed his second game against the nets but not his first.....was good to see Bogut's first pro game!
just dissapointed in LeBron's coverage in that first game because of the overtime....ar well....i can never win! haha