A question that surely pegs me as a noob, but so be it.
Can someone enlighten me as to why card companies do redemptions??
Why don't you just get the card in the pack? It seems like some collectors have to wait ages to get their card.
Thanks to anyone that takes the time out to explain..
The reason for this is generally down to the athlete not returning the signed cards in time for the pack out of the release. To ensure that all of the ratios for autos are set, they need to include redemption's for cards they haven't received. In most cases players sign the cards and send them back to the companies in a reasonable time frame, however there have been occasions where the cards were not signed or lost in the mail.
One thing that helps reduce redemption cards is sticker autos but most collectors seem to hate them. Sticker autos allow the player to sign their stickers and the company can use them in whatever product they need to reducing redemption cards.