NO!!! this is a poor man's mailday :)


Ultimate Hawks Collector
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like always i'll start with some fan fav auto's.

some well known names there
plus mr jeri curl himself AC (the crazy man) Green

and this one deserves an intro. goes into my top 50 auto set to.

only one name

its like madonna



Whats a mailday from me with out the usual nique catalogue

the triple threads #21/27 my second jersey number.

and some more of bob pettit


only to be beaten by this :)

only to be beaten by this :razz:

only to be beaten by these :D

only to be beaten by these :woot:

which only leaves me with the P to finish the name

well there's only 2 ways to end this lot.

one way is to pull this out


always wanted a timmy d auto and numbered nice and low at #7/30

the other way would be to do it this way


none other


the great

if not the greatest

of all time


now can you see why this is a poor mans mailday :D

because i am now

thanks for looking

have a good christmas everyone :thumbsup:
That is one unbelievable mailday...the Jordan, the TD21 and of course the Hawks cards!

Great stuff!

Merry Christmas Col :D Thats a top mailday all-round, love the Starks and the AC autos, the Petits =D> the Duncan and the MJ, I haven't seen that one before.
Merry Christmas mate!!!! Love the Petit auto's esp Century legends and also Wilkins Inscriptions auto. The mj? very suprised to see a sticker auto and strange set design.
merry christmas to col,now that is one awesome mailday mate,from start to end,love the mj,the ac,the magic and the niques!

just awesome mate

that's so sweet.......

finishing with MJ is sweet. but tim duncan is my favorite card.. I think i also bid that one as well.. glad you brought it down... ozcard needs more duncan autos in maildays.. LOL..

fan fav auto set is coming along nicely, hope u reach 50% end of this year... u got O.Green and AC.Green LOL.. nice looking magic auto too...

thanks for sharing.
cheers for the comments guys

linn- wont reach 50% this year. prob only make 46%. only a few left to come in atm but def one for you to see :)
Awesome stuff. The Pettit Epic gold is great. Those are a tough get.

The Jordan is sweet but I really covet the Duncan auto. I need one of those for my PC.
Holy Crap what a Mailday! You should find your Pettit 'P' now as Mike has completed his nametag ;) haha
Sweet sweet stuff :)
umm, yeah not bad col. :blink:


my fave (as hard as it is to pick one from a mailday as good as that) would have to be pettit epic sigs gold #/100, damn hard cards to find and ususally go for big bucks.
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