ducky_poo - Yeah, I know. Many have told me i'm nuts and I agree!
Thanks for the comments
I'll try to update my Chronology Thread, but with the limitations set on the site i'll have to cut and paste some pics to fit it in.
Nash13 - Thanks Matt
I hate mail weeks, takes way to lllooonnngggg to do them. It's crazy! Don't know how people do it :-k
tss501 - I'm pretty sure I have all the letters that are available
ScottE - Thanks champ, yeah, always great to get to the final end
infestacide - I was thinking that the other day. When I saw her have 2 letters in.
They had the worst game ever, tired and game plan was off. It was all on the line, they didn't deserve to win as a team.
But gee whiz, Sene kept them in line and in with a chance.
Be was everywhere. Had to contend with down right triple teams!!! It's amazing, the opposition almost found a way to stop them... DENY SENE THE BALL. It was crazy stuff.
But could you beleive it, Sene, STILL, undefeated down there and the all-time record broken baby!!!
another nice looking name tag completion... nice work buddy! my fav is still the reggie theus letter... cant wiat to see when you complete that name tag, couldnt be too far away now?
another nice looking name tag completion... nice work buddy! my fav is still the reggie theus letter... cant wiat to see when you complete that name tag, couldnt be too far away now?
It's all about timing, gotta wait for the right letters, and then, hope to win the card. Plus, a heap have already come and gone. So, not that easy, but we'll see.
Hopefully, as always, there will be collectors whom just give up on chases and sell their collections off. I find that happens with every release that comes out, some people just have no patience.