nique monday mailbag


Ultimate Hawks Collector
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nothing huge 2day but still worth a look

gu 387/499 (still hope i will find a 2 or more coloured version), court records 833/1499, 1st day issue 210/429

and the press pass legends to finish my sets bar the 1/1
bronze 827/899, silver138/499 and gold 77/99

last mail for a while. going for a trip to thailand in 12days and 8 hours :lol:
so my biggest mailday ever will be posted after that at the start of april.

definately going to be full of super mojo stuff.

anyways enjoy

cheers col

new niques.jpg
nice legends, good luck on the holiday, looks like the cardshops there might get some ducky business ;) .
great stuff col, my only question is where the hell are all the nique patches??? i need one for my PC.
ahhh nice 'Niques - I have always been a fan, even collected him when i first started the hobby (I think I collected 30 players at one stage lol) and I always played as Nique and the Hawks on NBA Jam Session arcade game lol

I love seeing the Niques :D
great stuff col, my only question is where the hell are all the nique patches??? i need one for my PC.

hopefully triple treads will do one. =P~ can only hope

thanks for all your comments guys. when i get back from holidays you'll have a couple of treats. i promise.

presents from overseas :cool:
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