new ttm success - logoman style


Magic/Bird Collector
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2 weeks ago I got some addresses for ttm request of a few players I really like to have an autograph of.[/b]

As soon as I got the addresses from a member of another board; I had sent out several requests.

Only 14 days later, I had the first letter in my mailbox.

I was very excited today, when I opened the envelope to see which player it was and if he did sign my card.

I pulled this one out of the envelope:

thanks for the nice comments!

I was really surprised that it only took 14 days for him to reply, since I live in Germany.


that's what the back looks like:

Awesome! I guess that's an even better feeling when you made it yourself! Sensational stuff!
hey deeluxe,
i'm also doing a TTM autograph project.
i am really impressed with the card you made! wow. how long did it take you to make that?
did you send international reply coupons for the return envelope, or use US stamps?
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