One for the MVP ball set;
One for the SOTT set, almost got all the Bronze versions!
Now 5 for the new 04/05 SPGU patches set - the Hughes I got for free cuz of the damage at the top, the francis from ducky and 2 of them from fastbaja5b
Some for the lovely sp sigs, now over 2/3 complete!
One for the very hard to find now 07 triple jerseys;
NOW! These are the last 2 I now have the SSSSSEEEEETTTTTT! Will post a mailday soon with all cards for your enjoyment! Still upgrading to patches where possible.
One for the SOTT set, almost got all the Bronze versions!
Now 5 for the new 04/05 SPGU patches set - the Hughes I got for free cuz of the damage at the top, the francis from ducky and 2 of them from fastbaja5b
Some for the lovely sp sigs, now over 2/3 complete!
One for the very hard to find now 07 triple jerseys;
NOW! These are the last 2 I now have the SSSSSEEEEETTTTTT! Will post a mailday soon with all cards for your enjoyment! Still upgrading to patches where possible.