Bit of an issue when you click like on a post and it creates all the white space between post and signature - trying to get that sorted so will fix it as soon as I can.
In the words of Pauline Hanson......... "I don't like it".
Seriously....... it's not a bad feature, just get a little sick of all the social network crap everywhere on the net these days....... & why can't we like our own posts!?
Do the "likes" have to show up as notifications ? I keep thinking they're PM's... And eventually I'll probably start ignoring the orange notification alert and might miss an important PM.
Do the "likes" have to show up as notifications ? I keep thinking they're PM's... And eventually I'll probably start ignoring the orange notification alert and might miss an important PM.
based on your statement wouldn't it have been better to run with a rating system like they use on music sites and motel sites ect. Some people live by the theory "if it ain't broken don't fix it" and the rest use the theory "If it ain't broken F... with it until it is
I understand you are upset - you're old and don't like change If you don't like the feature, it's quite simple - don't use it. No one is forcing you to. We have the chat bar installed on the site and it's the same thing - if you like it, use it. If you don't, then don't.
I believe it should also cut down on the "I agree" or "Nice card" or "+1........" posts - as now there is an option to say you like what the person is saying. It SHOULD encourage quality discussion and produce better quality posts and reduce the "clutter" of one word and two word replies.
If it turns out it's not working or the MAJORITY of users don't like it or it's not getting the results that I expected it would, then i'll look at it then.
And in regards to the notifications, i'll have a look to see if perhaps users can control whether or not they receive notifications.
I understand you are upset - you're old and don't like change If you don't like the feature, it's quite simple - don't use it. No one is forcing you to. We have the chat bar installed on the site and it's the same thing - if you like it, use it. If you don't, then don't.
I believe it should also cut down on the "I agree" or "Nice card" or "+1........" posts - as now there is an option to say you like what the person is saying. It SHOULD encourage quality discussion and produce better quality posts and reduce the "clutter" of one word and two word replies.
If it turns out it's not working or the MAJORITY of users don't like it or it's not getting the results that I expected it would, then i'll look at it then.
And in regards to the notifications, i'll have a look to see if perhaps users can control whether or not they receive notifications.
Not upset, if I was upset I would have typed in uppercase or used a. And you are spot on right, like everything in life if you don't like it don't use it, as for the age thing don't knock it us "oldies" invented Trading cards, internet, Basketball, Football...what have you youngsters invented lately?
Maybe not have the "likes" on top of the "recent activity" box on the right hand side of the main forum page. I would rather look at new posts than what random thing people have liked. If there is an option in user cp to do this then apologies in advance
Maybe not have the "likes" on top of the "recent activity" box on the right hand side of the main forum page. I would rather look at new posts than what random thing people have liked. If there is an option in user cp to do this then apologies in advance
Probably not. Because then it turns into a pissing contest and i'm not interested in people creating threads and having their friends "like" it just to have the "most liked thread" on ozcards.