In a world where we can't use tobacco and in some countries even grog to promote sport where we say you can't pollute yourselves here we say its ok to do it to the world everyone else lives in.
Money talks i guess
This is apparently a MID sized car they say Mid size
And at a time GM launch hydrogen4zero that deserves the press a whole lot more
Now I know some of you might go thats sort of correctness gone mad by myself and others but opinions don't hurt people. But although in theory these cars pollute as much as any other its the message they put forward.
In a country where 80% of car trips are only 10km these sort of cars are just there for city dwellers for the prestige and will most likely never go offroad.
Just like value meals, coke and new houses things just keep getting bigger even if we don't need it. Promoting a healthy sport thru obese world values.
I didn't even see that....I'm always amazed at the amount of times my surname has a "Z" instead of an "S"...or worse I get Frasier!!! No offence to Ducky but as well as the largest sand island in the world we also have one of our most famous sportspeople ever (Dawn) and a former PM (Malcolm) also sharing the Fraser name....
They do when you are plain in front of it and don't move over. Its ok, every Hummer I see is driven by some turd with Versace glasses and going at 10km. Don't have many if any pass me
And Jimbo if the influx of these larger cars doesn't alarm you then turn off Idol and find some info on the worlds problems.