Scotty - I was playing around with different words going around a circle earlier kind of how you have it. Problem is, we have come so much farther than being just an NBA site, so unfortunately a basketball is not going to work.
I have NO artistic skills! Maybe something like this, even better would be the text in 3D raised up off the map, or even "exploding" out of the centre of the map?
I got to work on this the other night, forgot all about it, seen the thread again tonight and got stuck back into it a few hours ago.
I kept making changes over and over and thought I'd leave it be for now and see if the basic design is even liked or not.
I've got the background at the moment consisting of my own PC but the idea was never to end up that way, perhaps a favorite card from all the members as Ace e suggested?
I'm not happy with the actual logo, need to find a better font, take into consideration possible changes suggested ect ect
Please keep in mind this is only rough. Anyway, here it is;
I could put a slogan down the bottom left similar to the bottom right web addy. If you want to see different variations with other fonts and colour themes different positioning, by all means let me know and it shall be done.
I had a send off for another mate headed to America (that's three just in the last month!) on Sunday night at the pub, still feeling a little seedy as I imagine you will in the morning!
Right now we are trying to concentrate on just a logo. Once we have the logo sorted, then we will sort the header. If you've got some logo ideas, feel free to post them!