New Here Is there any quick way to scan cards


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Hi Collected a lot of cards back in the 90's and now the other half wants the room so it is time to build a website and place them on it there must be an easy way to scan thousands of cards. ?? I have been at it for a mth or so done a few thousand but not making head way. One may wonder why so many cards i used to buy cards from a shop and it was closing down so i ended up buying most of the stock and putting in storage. So now it is finding lists making images for the website..
Most Cards that was around in the 90's from nrl cricket baseball (oz ) to basketball baseball star trek plus a lot of others from the usa and a lot more, heaps of promos from the usa some to match the dynamic cards as well. I am trying to make images of sets to show this way at least there is images to match the list i am building. So far it is opening a large box of 5000 cards (1 of many) then making sets then scanning that set making a list of how many of each card then entering them into excel steet so i can load that sheet in a database to use on the net. If i started this a few yrs ago i might be finished by now wishful thinking.
I wouldn't think you'd need to scan them all. I'd try selling them here first with just the card name, year and make. If someone wants it, they should already know roughly what it looks like. And if you have any Freo Dockers cards, I'll be happy to grab them off you ;)
Welcome mate, scanning can be slow, if you have a good camera you could take photos of about 9 at a time. It's effective because you have less handling, less images and saves heaps of time:thumbsup:
Yer dont waste your effort scanning them all.

What you do is organise by NONSPORT/SPORT > YEAR > BRAND > SET NAMES (ie base and insert set names) >

Then people will ask you oh have you got any XXX from YYY

then if you do, they may ask for a scan of that particular card.

I call dibbs on any fleer basketball I need haha.
^ Yeah what Paul said. Best/easiest way is to take pics with camera. Just be careful with the cards as I've seen some nasty work on ebay where people photo about 100 cards together, just "thrown" on a bed, or something, ha ha ha.

You may need to sign up for a free photo hosting site (Photbucket seems to be easy enough) - Google it. That way you can share links on various sites, etc, etc.

Oh yeah, welcome to OCT! lol.

I'd be interested in having a look at your basketball cards from 94-95.
Hi again well after many way to scan images i have now got a working plan and have done over 4000 images so far.
I first use adobe photoshop elements 10 that lets me scan a 9 pocket sheet than split it into 9 images with out cropping. (a plus in time)
2nd i found a program (cheap) called photo resizer pro to let me resize the images to use on a website and reduce the amount of hd space also adds a watermark if needed. Takes about 3 mins to resize over 300 cards.
3 i also found a program called irfan view (free) this program will renumber your images in running order also rename on the fly. Handy if like i first did scanned 240 card set gave the images the wrong name i wanted to use all i have to do to fix the prob was add the new name 1_1995s2.jpg and it renamed all 240 in about 3 mins.
I hope the programs i have listed can help others in helpful ways to scan.
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