Need your opinion! TTM AU or selfmade card?

What to do with the TTM AU?

  • keep the picture as it is.

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • make the selfmade cut signature.

    Votes: 18 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Magic/Bird Collector
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A few days ago I received this Stockton TTM AU.


unfortunately it was folded in half to fit in the envelope, but it's still nice.

I'm not sure whether I should keep the picture, because it is something personal and he had it in his hands (but it is folded) or make a selfmade cut signature out of it, which still has his signature.

It would look something like this. just a quick design. (with manufactured patch)


Added a poll for 7 days. please leave your opinion.

That was my suggestion in your original mailday and I still stick with the Razor Cut idea..
i would go with making the card but it would be good if you could pickup another signed picture, so you could do both :)
thanks for the comments. it's 14 : 6 for the cut signature right now.

That was my suggestion in your original mailday and I still stick with the Razor Cut idea..

yeah, you were the one that make me think about it. thanks :thumbsup:
Cut signature buddy but you should make it more classic looking. The Exquisite design with the patch just looks very odd with a cut signature. :( Please re-consider! lol...:)
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