Need help with packet prices


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Hi everyone. I am doing some research and wondering if anybody can help me with how much packets of cards cost from 1978 - 1997 and how many cards were in the packets from 1978 - 1991. I had a look on the internet but couldn't find anything, any help would be appreciated.
I seem to remember back when I was a kid in primary school that cards were about 0.35c - 0.40c a packet
I think 1988 (pink Stimoral) were 30c for a pack of 5. That went up to 35c a pack in 1989 (blue stimoral) and then maybe up to 40c in 1991.

From there I think the regina cards in 92 were maybe 75c a packet and when dynamic came out in 94 they started at $2
When I say back in primary school... Im talking 1977-1982 era. Maybe the cards were a bit cheaper. I remember we used to flick them around the play ground to try to win them off other kids. Im surprised any of these cards made it to now with any corners at all.

I will ask my Dad if he remembers at all.
I have wrappers of all these and they have the price on them. I will dig them out and check for you.

I remember 1988 being $0.40.....i was 8 at the time so my memory might be wrong.
Thanks for all your help it is appreciated. I should have just asked here instead of spending hours on the internet lol
Ah how I wish I had the common sense back then to keep those cards and better yet to have kept them in good condition, I had shoe boxes full!

I thought I saw a sealed box of 1990 stimoral cards which i think had green packets listed for $799 on ebay recently.
Yeah i sold a box of 1990 for over $700 but at that time a wrapper had just sold for $14. It was a sort of quick sale and im sure they could go for more.
Imagine finding a case of 63 lying in a garage.
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