Need eBay search help


Australian Player Game Used collector
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Hi Guys.

I know sharing eBay search secrets on most US sites is taboo but I'm hoping someone can help me compile a non-trading card search.

My father in law is rebuilding a 1957 Land Rover and there are 6 main searches that I use.

Land Rover Series One

Land Rover Series 1

LandRover Series One

LandRover Series 1

Land Rover 109

LandRover 109

As you can see alot of the terms are similar/repeated. Is there a way I can combine all those searches into one for My Favorites?

Well he's got the whole thing running, but some parts are crusty and some are not original.

Also there is a massive market down here for parts which sometimes go cheap in UK.

I got pretty close with:
("land rover","landrover") series ("one", "1","I") -discovery

But I can't figure out how to incorporate 109 as an optional...

Maybe i'll settle with two :)

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