Hey ro! Good to see you up at our part of the world! I've got one and I wish and wish that I could say that I could let it go, but unfortunately it's part of my set chase will definitely hit you up if I decide to stop the chase! Any idea which inscription is SP or rarer?
Hey ro! Good to see you up at our part of the world! I've got one and I wish and wish that I could say that I could let it go, but unfortunately it's part of my set chase will definitely hit you up if I decide to stop the chase! Any idea which inscription is SP or rarer?
Hey bro! My pleasure to be here ;-). Thanks for the response, and believe me, I totally undertstand, so no worries!! I do very much appreciate that you will keep me in mind if you ever stop your chase. Hopefully you can complete it though, and hopefully I can still get my hands on one ;-). I've seen so many different inscriptions on these. I don't believe, as far as I know, that any one is SPd. I'd love to get one of a Bible verse that I don't already have . Thanks again, and hope you're doing well .
You'll get one soon buddy! I've seen them pop up twice since I got mine a few months back so people are moving them, but not that often. Part of the fun for me is in the chase, so as soon as I get to a stage where I've got most of the key cards or feel like I'm just picking cards up for the sake of picking them up, I pack my bags up and move on