Hi, am looking to get a program to categorise my cards, do not want to do it all myself so would like one that people already use that I can buy of the Internet, would want one that I could list what I have but it also could tell me my want list to, want it to not have to be online all the time just to look at my data too, any ideas?
I had tried this in the past but have given up doing this.
I had generated a list from Becket or somewhere in the past and dumped it all in an excel sheet/google docs
I think all of them would need to be an incredibly manaul process, at least entering the data intially (and certainly maintaining it as well)
I don't think there is any automated machine, like a Linear Book Scanner Google has, which could help automate it ;p
Otherwise i had seen this site used by some people: http://www.tc-collector.com/
I am curious if there is anything else out there, maybe i might try something again.