Re: Your Local Shop - A1 Cards and Gaming Perth - Boxes Packs Supplies
From 1992 to 1996 i set up and and at different times ran two card chops. We went through the boom of the early 90's where every knick knack shop you walked into had a store. When the hobby lost it's casuals it fell on hard times and by late 1998, most stores had closed it's doors. Over the years different stores have come and gone with only a few surviving. The ones that survive know the market and this is what keeps them afloat. As a owner, ebay, card fairs and trading are all crucial. Buying stock off ebay and card shows at prices you know give you a decent profit bracket (20%) is crucial and far cheaper sometimes than opening mass amounts of stock. Also when running a shop you might find that unlike blackjack where the house always wins, with certain high priced collectors keeping trading on an even keel keeps them investing through your store and opens yourself to a much larger catalog of priceless cards. Guys that spend 1000's on a product will already have their connections and to keep them part of your community you must make them feel special. Personally keeping them happy is the most important factor because like the yo-yo our hobby has it revolutions and the casuals will always come and go. Those with love for the hobby keep it afloat. Looks as if your store is going very nicely. I wish nothing but success for your store, mojo for your customers & thank-you for providing another place for us nuts to shop.
Re: Update 6/10 - Perth Local Shop - A1 Cards and Gaming Perth - Boxes Packs Supplies
Looking for a storage idea ? come by the shop for our storage boxes !
300+ regular 35pt cards in top loaders
250+ 55pt top loaders
200+ 75pt top loaders
160+ 100pt top loaders
140+ 120 pt top loaders
120+ 130pt top loaders
100+ 180pt top loaders
80x regular 35pt one touch magnetic holders
75x 75pt one touch holders
65x 100pt one touch holders
58x 130pt one touch holders
54x 180pt one touch holders
Hi Paul. The shop has been going awesome so far will be open as per usual over christmas but closed on public holidays. Depending on plans I might be able to open the shop outside those times
---------- Post added 12-10-2011 at 04:33 PM ----------
Hi Paul. The shop has been going awesome so far will be open as per usual over christmas but closed on public holidays. Depending on plans I might be able to open the shop outside those times