NBA 2K8 or Live 08'?


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What should i go for guys. Ive only got a PS2, thinking of getting a XBox360 once my new jobs starts up.

Now i used to be a Live fan from 95' on Gameboy through to 05' on the PS2 and PC, but since then i have switched to 2K6 and 2K7 on the PS2.

2K sports to me are more realistic then NBA Live but then again im tempted to try Live again.

Your thoughts?
I'd have to see a video of 2K8 first for me to compare, Live 08 looks unreal, to be honest!

Whilst I bought Live 07 before 2K came out, and when it did I didnt like Live so I exchanged them over.

A demo of both would be great to compare. At the moment, I'd say 2K but that's not knowing what either will be like. I think they're out in October.
since i bought my PSP to play on long and boring night shift im gunna have to get Live 08 since the 2K's arent released on PSP :(
2k8 rocks but i will get 2k and nba live :) one for ps3 and one for 360 :)
2k sports games are the BEST !!
I like the idea of the hotspot... personally I'll be moving onto Live 08 :) But thats just me - always been a fan of Live.
For me LIVE dropped off in 05... Live 04 was a solid effort and 05 was good but had some flaws.... guess every game does.... but Live 07 was for me terrible.. I loved aspects of it like doing the Draft over and some of the gameplay was nice but I love 2k7 hopefully EA will work OT to get LIVE back to that number 1 spot but right now Im hanging for 2k8 over Live 08.....
2K8 easily, for me. Live really lost the plot after 05, for mine. Need to do some work on adding realism again, because there's too much fancy garbage at the moment.
NBA 2K8 will be what you want.. NBA Live has lost it's way.

If the simulation was like nba live and the game play/graphics was of nba 2k then that'd be the best game ever!!! but we're asking too much..

like the afl games, they can't get it right!
I got the XBox 360 recently, tried Live and it was a pain, you do a full court pass and it takes a while for the camera to catch up!?!?!

Got 2K now and sooo much better game play!
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