Nash Mailday


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Only one card today.

Stupid me didnt see the docket from the Post Office under the front door which had been sitting there since Thursday #-o , so I promptly got down to the Post Office this morning to pick this up.

Got this from R&B21 in Japan....paid a little more than it usually goes for but considering its numbered 13/25 I was happy to do so!


Steve Nash 05 Extra Exquisite #13/25


very nice pickup Matt, those jersey pieces look huge, i have seen one in person but i bet it looks sweet!
Im surprised a Japanese collector even bought it. That is indeed an unlucky number over there. Nice pickup. Great big patches on them and decent priced for exquisite as well.
Great find and pickup of a card numbered to Nash's jersey... well done =D>

I really like the extra exquisite design from that year, they look fantastic!!
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