Seems to be under the impression I haven't been active enough on auto patches :-k
I very rarley do progress posts, as I have learnt from the past, there are idiots in this world whom just want to be silly about things. For whatever reason that may be. This is exactly why the big collectors out there don't do frequent maildays.
Be that as it may, here it is for you, a sneak peak on my progress:
I know, when I got started, it just kept going and going. So much for not trying for something special
Uuummmmm, I'm not doing the set, remember.
Well, the patches can be better than another years in any of the years. It's only because of there patches i have selected this year, compared with other years. There are still plenty of 1 colour and 2 colour patches let me tell you.
I really hated last years cards, they just didn't seem right from prior years.
They picked it up a bit this year, a lot better, but has a "small" feel to them.
Hey Mike, could have just showed Linn the link, and he could have checked it out on his own....... Another good way to boost the post count I spose... lol.