Hey all.
Not sure who would actually remember me or know that I was gone, but for the past month I haven't been on the website or even had the internet.
Been going through some personal issues as of late and I apologise for not being around or completing any trades/deals/etc over the past month or so.
I will now be back in full force with more videos, busts and good times!
I will also complete anything I haven't completed trades wise and once again I apologise, it's definitely not like me to be shifty or anything Just clearing that up.
Welcome back mate, I was wondering where you got to mate. I've been missing your video busts but luckily Gameday Online cured my addiction with an NRL Strike CASE Bust YouTube series.
Been saving my Jobe Watson Fab 4 for you, hope you still need it. I knew you'd come back, I'm a patient man.